I continue to see my current Clientele as usual, and I will continue to take in new Clients. You can come in for an in-person session after a brief phone call with me to cover all the bases. I will ask you some questions regarding symptoms and exposure; if safe, you're welcome to come into the office. I will provide some directions for extra caution while we're together. (I do not require a mask during the session, but am happy to wear one or provide you with one at request.) Your health (both mental and physical) is important and will be treated with care. |
If you prefer distance, or, you're not able to come in, I am conducting telehealth sessions via Zoom. It is free and easy to use. I will email you a link, inviting you to your session a few minutes before our appointment time begins. Everything else is the same. It is a full 60 minutes, beginning and ending on time. The first video-session may feel a little awkward which is why I walk us through it, step by step. |