Let's go over some difficult-to-read, but important-to-understand concepts.
"Empaths" are not EMPATHETIC
Oxymoronic, "self-aware narcissist" channels. Those on the Cluster B Spectrum have little to no self-awareness. What these folks should say is, "I know I'm a narcissist." This is no different than saying, "I know I'm a pedophile." This does not mean changed, growing, healing, or safe to be around. In fact, these "self-aware narcissists" often preach, "Believe people when they tell you who they are." Yes, please do believe people when they announce who they are!
To be self-aware, one needs to know their emotional self, including triggers. To know one's emotional self means one needs to feel and experience their emotions. (This collective integration of emotions creates a personality. This is why those who cannot feel, know, or express their emotions are considered to have a personality disorder.)
Professional jargon misused by abusive mental health providers:
I will tell you AND show you that it is safe here.